记录 swift 中的一些关键字及操作符

Type Alias

typealias AudioSample = UInt16

Optional Binding

  • if let ... { ... }
if let constantName = someOptional {
  // statements
  • while let ... { ... }
while let constantName = someOptional {
  // statements

Early Exit

guard let constantName = someOptional {
  // statements

Debugging with Assertions

  • assert(...)
let age = -3
assert(age >= 0, "A person's age can't be less than zero.")
// This assertion fails because -3 isn't >= 0.
  • assertionFailure(...)
if age > 10 {
    print("You can ride the roller-coaster or the ferris wheel.")
} else if age >= 0 {
    print("You can ride the ferris wheel.")
} else {
    assertionFailure("A person's age can't be less than zero.")

Enforcing Preconditions

  • precondition(...)
// In the implementation of a subscript...
precondition(index > 0, "Index must be greater than zero.")
  • preconditionFailure(...)

Fatal Error



let integerToDescribe = 5
var description = "The number \(integerToDescribe) is"
switch integerToDescribe {
case 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19:
    description += " a prime number, and also"
    description += " an integer."
// Prints "The number 5 is a prime number, and also an integer."

where in switch

let yetAnotherPoint = (1, -1)
switch yetAnotherPoint {
case let (x, y) where x == y:
    print("(\(x), \(y)) is on the line x == y")
case let (x, y) where x == -y:
    print("(\(x), \(y)) is on the line x == -y")
case let (x, y):
    print("(\(x), \(y)) is just some arbitrary point")
// Prints "(1, -1) is on the line x == -y"

Labeled Statements

gameLoop: while square != finalSquare {
    diceRoll += 1
    if diceRoll == 7 { diceRoll = 1 }
    switch square + diceRoll {
    case finalSquare:
        // diceRoll will move us to the final square, so the game is over
        break gameLoop
    case let newSquare where newSquare > finalSquare:
        // diceRoll will move us beyond the final square, so roll again
        continue gameLoop
        // this is a valid move, so find out its effect
        square += diceRoll
        square += board[square]
print("Game over!")

Checking API Availability

if #available(iOS 10, macOS 10.12, *) {
    // Use iOS 10 APIs on iOS, and use macOS 10.12 APIs on macOS
} else {
    // Fall back to earlier iOS and macOS APIs

Variadic Parameters

func arithmeticMean(_ numbers: Double...) -> Double {
    var total: Double = 0
    for number in numbers {
        total += number
    return total / Double(numbers.count)
arithmeticMean(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
// returns 3.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these five numbers
arithmeticMean(3, 8.25, 18.75)
// returns 10.0, which is the arithmetic mean of these three numbers

In-Out Parameters

func swapTwoInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {
    let temporaryA = a
    a = b
    b = temporaryA
var someInt = 3
var anotherInt = 107
swapTwoInts(&someInt, &anotherInt)
print("someInt is now \(someInt), and anotherInt is now \(anotherInt)")
// Prints "someInt is now 107, and anotherInt is now 3"

Escaping Closures

var completionHandlers: [() -> Void] = []
func someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {


// customersInLine is ["Ewa", "Barry", "Daniella"]
func serve(customer customerProvider: @autoclosure () -> String) {
    print("Now serving \(customerProvider())!")
serve(customer: customersInLine.remove(at: 0))
// Prints "Now serving Ewa!"


protocol SomeProtocol {
    mutating func someFunction()

struct SomeStructure: SomeProtocol {
    var someVariable = 1
    mutating func someFunction() {
        someVariable = 2

class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
    var someVariable = 1
    func someFunction() {
        someVariable = 2
struct Point {
    var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
    mutating func moveBy(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
        self = Point(x: x + deltaX, y: y + deltaY)
enum TriStateSwitch {
    case off, low, high
    mutating func next() {
        switch self {
        case .off:
            self = .low
        case .low:
            self = .high
        case .high:
            self = .off
var ovenLight = TriStateSwitch.low
// ovenLight is now equal to .high
// ovenLight is now equal to .off

Notice the use of the mutating keyword in the declaration of SomeStructure to mark a method that modifies the structure. The declaration of SomeClass doesn’t need any of its methods marked as mutating because methods on a class can always modify the class.

Recursive Enumerations

enum ArithmeticExpression {
    case number(Int)
    indirect case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
    indirect case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)

// enable indirection for all of the enumeration’s cases
indirect enum ArithmeticExpression {
    case number(Int)
    case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
    case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)

Identity Operators

if tenEighty === alsoTenEighty {
    print("tenEighty and alsoTenEighty refer to the same VideoMode instance.")
// Prints "tenEighty and alsoTenEighty refer to the same VideoMode instance."

Lazy Stored Properties

class DataImporter {
    DataImporter is a class to import data from an external file.
    The class is assumed to take a nontrivial amount of time to initialize.
    var filename = "data.txt"
    // the DataImporter class would provide data importing functionality here

class DataManager {
    lazy var importer = DataImporter()
    var data: [String] = []
    // the DataManager class would provide data management functionality here

let manager = DataManager()
manager.data.append("Some data")
manager.data.append("Some more data")
// the DataImporter instance for the importer property hasn't yet been created

Computed Properties

struct Point {
    var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
struct Size {
    var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
struct Rect {
    var origin = Point()
    var size = Size()
    var center: Point {
        get {
            let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2)
            let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2)
            return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
        set(newCenter) {
            origin.x = newCenter.x - (size.width / 2)
            origin.y = newCenter.y - (size.height / 2)
var square = Rect(origin: Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0),
                  size: Size(width: 10.0, height: 10.0))
let initialSquareCenter = square.center
square.center = Point(x: 15.0, y: 15.0)
print("square.origin is now at (\(square.origin.x), \(square.origin.y))")
// Prints "square.origin is now at (10.0, 10.0)"

Read-Only Computed Properties

struct Cuboid {
    var width = 0.0, height = 0.0, depth = 0.0
    var volume: Double {
        return width * height * depth
let fourByFiveByTwo = Cuboid(width: 4.0, height: 5.0, depth: 2.0)
print("the volume of fourByFiveByTwo is \(fourByFiveByTwo.volume)")
// Prints "the volume of fourByFiveByTwo is 40.0"

Property Observers

class StepCounter {
    var totalSteps: Int = 0 {
        willSet(newTotalSteps) {
            print("About to set totalSteps to \(newTotalSteps)")
        didSet {
            if totalSteps > oldValue  {
                print("Added \(totalSteps - oldValue) steps")
let stepCounter = StepCounter()
stepCounter.totalSteps = 200
// About to set totalSteps to 200
// Added 200 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 360
// About to set totalSteps to 360
// Added 160 steps
stepCounter.totalSteps = 896
// About to set totalSteps to 896
// Added 536 steps

Property Wrappers

struct TwelveOrLess {
    private var number = 0
    var wrappedValue: Int {
        get { return number }
        set { number = min(newValue, 12) }

struct SmallRectangle {
    @TwelveOrLess var height: Int
    @TwelveOrLess var width: Int

var rectangle = SmallRectangle()
// Prints "0"

rectangle.height = 10
// Prints "10"

rectangle.height = 24
// Prints "12"

Projecting a Value From a Property Wrapper

struct SmallNumber {
    private var number: Int
    private(set) var projectedValue: Bool

    var wrappedValue: Int {
        get { return number }
        set {
            if newValue > 12 {
                number = 12
                projectedValue = true
            } else {
                number = newValue
                projectedValue = false

    init() {
        self.number = 0
        self.projectedValue = false
struct SomeStructure {
    @SmallNumber var someNumber: Int
var someStructure = SomeStructure()

someStructure.someNumber = 4
// Prints "false"

someStructure.someNumber = 55
// Prints "true"

Type Properties

struct SomeStructure {
    static var storedTypeProperty = "Some value."
    static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
        return 1
enum SomeEnumeration {
    static var storedTypeProperty = "Some value."
    static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
        return 6
class SomeClass {
    static var storedTypeProperty = "Some value."
    static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
        return 27
    class var overrideableComputedTypeProperty: Int {
        return 107

Type Methods

class SomeClass {
    class func someTypeMethod() {
        // type method implementation goes here
struct LevelTracker {
    static var highestUnlockedLevel = 1
    var currentLevel = 1

    static func unlock(_ level: Int) {
        if level > highestUnlockedLevel { highestUnlockedLevel = level }

    static func isUnlocked(_ level: Int) -> Bool {
        return level <= highestUnlockedLevel



func advance(to level: Int) -> Bool {
    if LevelTracker.isUnlocked(level) {
        currentLevel = level
        return true
    } else {
        return false

The discardableResult attribute on a function declaration indicates that, although the function returns a value, the compiler shouldn’t generate a warning if the return value is unused.

Subscript Syntax

struct Matrix {
    let rows: Int, columns: Int
    var grid: [Double]
    init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns
        grid = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: rows * columns)
    func indexIsValid(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {
        return row >= 0 && row < rows && column >= 0 && column < columns
    subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> Double {
        get {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
            return grid[(row * columns) + column]
        set {
            assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
            grid[(row * columns) + column] = newValue

var matrix = Matrix(rows: 2, columns: 2)

matrix[0, 1] = 1.5
matrix[1, 0] = 3.2

let someValue = matrix[2, 2]
// This triggers an assert, because [2, 2] is outside of the matrix bounds.

Type Subscripts

enum Planet: Int {
    case mercury = 1, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
    static subscript(n: Int) -> Planet {
        return Planet(rawValue: n)!
let mars = Planet[4]


class Train: Vehicle {
    override func makeNoise() {
        print("Choo Choo")
class Car: Vehicle {
    var gear = 1
    override var description: String {
        return super.description + " in gear \(gear)"
class AutomaticCar: Car {
    override var currentSpeed: Double {
        didSet {
            gear = Int(currentSpeed / 10.0) + 1

Preventing Overrides

  • final var
  • final func
  • final class func
  • final subscript
  • final class

Convenience Initializers

convenience init(parameters) {

Required Initializers

class SomeClass {
    required init() {
        // initializer implementation goes here

class SomeSubclass: SomeClass {
    required init() {
        // subclass implementation of the required initializer goes here

Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function

class SomeClass {
    let someProperty: SomeType = {
        // create a default value for someProperty inside this closure
        // someValue must be of the same type as SomeType
        return someValue

Representing and Throwing Errors

enum VendingMachineError: Error {
    case invalidSelection
    case insufficientFunds(coinsNeeded: Int)
    case outOfStock

throw VendingMachineError.insufficientFunds(coinsNeeded: 5)

Propagating Errors Using Throwing Functions

func canThrowErrors() throws -> String {
    // ...
    if ... {
        throw ...
    // ...

Handling Errors Using Do-Catch

do {
  try canThrowAnError()
} catch {
  // an error was thrown

Converting Errors to Optional Values

func someThrowingFunction() throws -> Int {
    // ...

let x = try? someThrowingFunction()

let y: Int?
do {
    y = try someThrowingFunction()
} catch {
    y = nil

Disabling Error Propagation

let photo = try! loadImage(atPath: "./Resources/John Appleseed.jpg")

Specifying Cleanup Actions

func processFile(filename: String) throws {
    if exists(filename) {
        let file = open(filename)
        defer {
        while let line = try file.readline() {
            // Work with the file.
        // close(file) is called here, at the end of the scope.

Defining and Calling Asynchronous Functions

func listPhotos(inGallery name: String) async -> [String] {
    let result = // ... some asynchronous networking code ...
    return result
let photoNames = await listPhotos(inGallery: "Summer Vacation")
let sortedNames = photoNames.sorted()
let name = sortedNames[0]
let photo = await downloadPhoto(named: name)

Asynchronous Sequences

import Foundation

let handle = FileHandle.standardInput
for try await line in handle.bytes.lines {

Calling Asynchronous Functions in Parallel

let firstPhoto = await downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[0])
let secondPhoto = await downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[1])
let thirdPhoto = await downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[2])

let photos = [firstPhoto, secondPhoto, thirdPhoto]
async let firstPhoto = downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[0])
async let secondPhoto = downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[1])
async let thirdPhoto = downloadPhoto(named: photoNames[2])

let photos = await [firstPhoto, secondPhoto, thirdPhoto]

Tasks and Task Groups

await withTaskGroup(of: Data.self) { taskGroup in
    let photoNames = await listPhotos(inGallery: "Summer Vacation")
    for name in photoNames {
        taskGroup.async { await downloadPhoto(named: name) }


actor TemperatureLogger {
    let label: String
    var measurements: [Int]
    private(set) var max: Int

    init(label: String, measurement: Int) {
        self.label = label
        self.measurements = [measurement]
        self.max = measurement

let logger = TemperatureLogger(label: "Outdoors", measurement: 25)
print(await logger.max)
// Prints "25"

extension TemperatureLogger {
    func update(with measurement: Int) {
        if measurement > max {
            max = measurement

print(logger.max)  // Error

Checking Type

var movieCount = 0
var songCount = 0

for item in library {
    if item is Movie {
        movieCount += 1
    } else if item is Song {
        songCount += 1

print("Media library contains \(movieCount) movies and \(songCount) songs")
// Prints "Media library contains 2 movies and 3 songs"


// as?
for item in library {
    if let movie = item as? Movie {
        print("Movie: \(movie.name), dir. \(movie.director)")
    } else if let song = item as? Song {
        print("Song: \(song.name), by \(song.artist)")

// as!
let movie = item as! Movie

Type Casting for Any and AnyObject

Swift provides two special types for working with nonspecific types:

  • Any can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types.
  • AnyObject can represent an instance of any class type.

Use Any and AnyObject only when you explicitly need the behavior and capabilities they provide. It’s always better to be specific about the types you expect to work with in your code.


The Any type represents values of any type, including optional types. Swift gives you a warning if you use an optional value where a value of type Any is expected. If you really do need to use an optional value as an Any value, you can use the as operator to explicitly cast the optional to Any, as shown below.

var things: [Any] = []
let optionalNumber: Int? = 3
things.append(optionalNumber)        // Warning
things.append(optionalNumber as Any) // No warning

Conditionally Conforming to a Protocol

extension Array: TextRepresentable where Element: TextRepresentable {
    var textualDescription: String {
        let itemsAsText = self.map { $0.textualDescription }
        return "[" + itemsAsText.joined(separator: ", ") + "]"
let myDice = [d6, d12]
// Prints "[A 6-sided dice, A 12-sided dice]"

Protocol Composition

protocol Named {
    var name: String { get }
protocol Aged {
    var age: Int { get }
struct Person: Named, Aged {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
func wishHappyBirthday(to celebrator: Named & Aged) {
    print("Happy birthday, \(celebrator.name), you're \(celebrator.age)!")
let birthdayPerson = Person(name: "Malcolm", age: 21)
wishHappyBirthday(to: birthdayPerson)
// Prints "Happy birthday, Malcolm, you're 21!"

Optional Protocol Requirements

@objc protocol CounterDataSource {
    @objc optional func increment(forCount count: Int) -> Int
    @objc optional var fixedIncrement: Int { get }

Associated Types

protocol Container {
  associatedtype Item
  mutating func append(_ item: Item)
  var count: Int { get }
  subscript(index: Int) -> Item { get }

Returning an Opaque Type

func makeTrapezoid() -> some Shape {
    let top = Triangle(size: 2)
    let middle = Square(size: 2)
    let bottom = FlippedShape(shape: top)
    let trapezoid = JoinedShape(
        top: top,
        bottom: JoinedShape(top: middle, bottom: bottom)
    return trapezoid

Weak References

class Person {
    let name: String
  	init(name: String) { self.name = name }
	  var apartment: Apartment?
  	deinit { print("\(name) is being deinitialized") }

class Apartment {
  	let unit: String
  	init(unit: String) { self.unit = unit }
  	weak var tenant: Person?
  	deinit { print("Apartment \(unit) is being deinitialized")}

Unowned References

class Customer {
    let name: String
    var card: CreditCard?
    init(name: String) {
        self.name = name
    deinit { print("\(name) is being deinitialized") }

class CreditCard {
    let number: UInt64
    unowned let customer: Customer
    init(number: UInt64, customer: Customer) {
        self.number = number
        self.customer = customer
    deinit { print("Card #\(number) is being deinitialized") }

var john: Customer?
john = Customer(name: "John Appleseed")
john!.card = CreditCard(number: 1234_5678_9012_3456, customer: john!)

john = nil
// Prints "John Appleseed is being deinitialized"
// Prints "Card #1234567890123456 is being deinitialized"


The examples above show how to use safe unowned references. Swift also provides unsafe unowned references for cases where you need to disable runtime safety checks—for example, for performance reasons. As with all unsafe operations, you take on the responsibility for checking that code for safety.

You indicate an unsafe unowned reference by writing unowned(unsafe). If you try to access an unsafe unowned reference after the instance that it refers to is deallocated, your program will try to access the memory location where the instance used to be, which is an unsafe operation.

Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures

lazy var someClosure = {
    [unowned self, weak delegate = self.delegate]
    (index: Int, stringToProcess: String) -> String in
    // closure body goes here

Access Control Syntax

public class SomePublicClass {}
internal class SomeInternalClass {}
fileprivate class SomeFilePrivateClass {}
private class SomePrivateClass {}

public var somePublicVariable = 0
internal let someInternalConstant = 0
fileprivate func someFilePrivateFunction() {}
private func somePrivateFunction() {}