【面试题】Category 相关

Category 的实现原理

graph TB
subgraph objc4
    subgraph objc-os.mm
    subgraph objc-runtime-new.mm
    subgraph objc-runtime-new.h
        I[struct category_t]
subgraph dyld


struct category_t {
    const char *name;
    classref_t cls;
    WrappedPtr<method_list_t, PtrauthStrip> instanceMethods;
    WrappedPtr<method_list_t, PtrauthStrip> classMethods;
    struct protocol_list_t *protocols;
    struct property_list_t *instanceProperties;
    // Fields below this point are not always present on disk.
    struct property_list_t *_classProperties;

    method_list_t *methodsForMeta(bool isMeta) {
        if (isMeta) return classMethods;
        else return instanceMethods;
    property_list_t *propertiesForMeta(bool isMeta, struct header_info *hi);
    protocol_list_t *protocolsForMeta(bool isMeta) {
        if (isMeta) return nullptr;
        else return protocols;
* _objc_init
* Bootstrap initialization. Registers our image notifier with dyld.
* Called by libSystem BEFORE library initialization time

void _objc_init(void)
    static bool initialized = false;
    if (initialized) return;
    initialized = true;
    // fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?
#if __OBJC2__
    _dyld_objc_notify_register(&map_images, load_images, unmap_image);

#if __OBJC2__
    didCallDyldNotifyRegister = true;
// Note: only for use by objc runtime
// Register handlers to be called when objc images are mapped, unmapped, and initialized.
// Dyld will call back the "mapped" function with an array of images that contain an objc-image-info section.
// Those images that are dylibs will have the ref-counts automatically bumped, so objc will no longer need to
// call dlopen() on them to keep them from being unloaded.  During the call to _dyld_objc_notify_register(),
// dyld will call the "mapped" function with already loaded objc images.  During any later dlopen() call,
// dyld will also call the "mapped" function.  Dyld will call the "init" function when dyld would be called
// initializers in that image.  This is when objc calls any +load methods in that image.
void _dyld_objc_notify_register(_dyld_objc_notify_mapped    mapped,
                                _dyld_objc_notify_init      init,
                                _dyld_objc_notify_unmapped  unmapped);
* map_images
* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
* Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
* Locking: write-locks runtimeLock
map_images(unsigned count, const char * const paths[],
           const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
    return map_images_nolock(count, paths, mhdrs);
* map_images_nolock
* Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
* All class registration and fixups are performed (or deferred pending
* discovery of missing superclasses etc), and +load methods are called.
* info[] is in bottom-up order i.e. libobjc will be earlier in the 
* array than any library that links to libobjc.
* Locking: loadMethodLock(old) or runtimeLock(new) acquired by map_images.
#if __OBJC2__
#include "objc-file.h"
#include "objc-file-old.h"

map_images_nolock(unsigned mhCount, const char * const mhPaths[],
                  const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
    // ......

    if (hCount > 0) {
        _read_images(hList, hCount, totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);
    firstTime = NO;
    // Call image load funcs after everything is set up.
    for (auto func : loadImageFuncs) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mhCount; i++) {
* _read_images
* Perform initial processing of the headers in the linked 
* list beginning with headerList. 
* Called by: map_images_nolock
* Locking: runtimeLock acquired by map_images
  void _read_images(header_info **hList, uint32_t hCount, int totalClasses, int unoptimizedTotalClasses)

    // ......

    // Discover categories. Only do this after the initial category
    // attachment has been done. For categories present at startup,
    // discovery is deferred until the first load_images call after
    // the call to _dyld_objc_notify_register completes. rdar://problem/53119145
    if (didInitialAttachCategories) {
        for (EACH_HEADER) {

    // ......

static void load_categories_nolock(header_info *hi) {
    bool hasClassProperties = hi->info()->hasCategoryClassProperties();

    size_t count;
    auto processCatlist = [&](category_t * const *catlist) {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            category_t *cat = catlist[i];
            Class cls = remapClass(cat->cls);
            locstamped_category_t lc{cat, hi};
            if (!cls) {
                // Category's target class is missing (probably weak-linked).
                // Ignore the category.
                if (PrintConnecting) {
                    _objc_inform("CLASS: IGNORING category \?\?\?(%s) %p with "
                                 "missing weak-linked target class",
                                 cat->name, cat);
            // Process this category.
            if (cls->isStubClass()) {
                // Stub classes are never realized. Stub classes
                // don't know their metaclass until they're
                // initialized, so we have to add categories with
                // class methods or properties to the stub itself.
                // methodizeClass() will find them and add them to
                // the metaclass as appropriate.
                if (cat->instanceMethods ||
                    cat->protocols ||
                    cat->instanceProperties ||
                    cat->classMethods ||
                    cat->protocols ||
                    (hasClassProperties && cat->_classProperties))
                    objc::unattachedCategories.addForClass(lc, cls);
            } else {
                // First, register the category with its target class.
                // Then, rebuild the class's method lists (etc) if
                // the class is realized.
                if (cat->instanceMethods ||  cat->protocols
                    ||  cat->instanceProperties)
                    if (cls->isRealized()) {
                        attachCategories(cls, &lc, 1, ATTACH_EXISTING);
                    } else {
                        objc::unattachedCategories.addForClass(lc, cls);
                if (cat->classMethods  ||  cat->protocols
                    ||  (hasClassProperties && cat->_classProperties))
                    if (cls->ISA()->isRealized()) {
                        attachCategories(cls->ISA(), &lc, 1, ATTACH_EXISTING | ATTACH_METACLASS);
                    } else {
                        objc::unattachedCategories.addForClass(lc, cls->ISA());
// Attach method lists and properties and protocols from categories to a class.
// Assumes the categories in cats are all loaded and sorted by load order, 
// oldest categories first.
static void
attachCategories(Class cls, const locstamped_category_t *cats_list, uint32_t cats_count,
                 int flags)
    if (slowpath(PrintReplacedMethods)) {
        printReplacements(cls, cats_list, cats_count);
    if (slowpath(PrintConnecting)) {
        _objc_inform("CLASS: attaching %d categories to%s class '%s'%s",
                     cats_count, (flags & ATTACH_EXISTING) ? " existing" : "",
                     cls->nameForLogging(), (flags & ATTACH_METACLASS) ? " (meta)" : "");

     * Only a few classes have more than 64 categories during launch.
     * This uses a little stack, and avoids malloc.
     * Categories must be added in the proper order, which is back
     * to front. To do that with the chunking, we iterate cats_list
     * from front to back, build up the local buffers backwards,
     * and call attachLists on the chunks. attachLists prepends the
     * lists, so the final result is in the expected order.
    constexpr uint32_t ATTACH_BUFSIZ = 64;
    method_list_t   *mlists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
    property_list_t *proplists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
    protocol_list_t *protolists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ];
    uint32_t mcount = 0;
    uint32_t propcount = 0;
    uint32_t protocount = 0;
    bool fromBundle = NO;
    bool isMeta = (flags & ATTACH_METACLASS);
    auto rwe = cls->data()->extAllocIfNeeded();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cats_count; i++) {
        auto& entry = cats_list[i];
        method_list_t *mlist = entry.cat->methodsForMeta(isMeta);
        if (mlist) {
            if (mcount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
                prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists, mcount, NO, fromBundle, __func__);
                rwe->methods.attachLists(mlists, mcount);
                mcount = 0;
            mlists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++mcount] = mlist;
            fromBundle |= entry.hi->isBundle();
        property_list_t *proplist =
            entry.cat->propertiesForMeta(isMeta, entry.hi);
        if (proplist) {
            if (propcount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
                rwe->properties.attachLists(proplists, propcount);
                propcount = 0;
            proplists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++propcount] = proplist;
        protocol_list_t *protolist = entry.cat->protocolsForMeta(isMeta);
        if (protolist) {
            if (protocount == ATTACH_BUFSIZ) {
                rwe->protocols.attachLists(protolists, protocount);
                protocount = 0;
            protolists[ATTACH_BUFSIZ - ++protocount] = protolist;
    if (mcount > 0) {
        prepareMethodLists(cls, mlists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - mcount, mcount,
                           NO, fromBundle, __func__);
        rwe->methods.attachLists(mlists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - mcount, mcount);
        if (flags & ATTACH_EXISTING) {
            flushCaches(cls, __func__, [](Class c){
                // constant caches have been dealt with in prepareMethodLists
                // if the class still is constant here, it's fine to keep
                return !c->cache.isConstantOptimizedCache();
    rwe->properties.attachLists(proplists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - propcount, propcount);
    rwe->protocols.attachLists(protolists + ATTACH_BUFSIZ - protocount, protocount);
void attachLists(List* const * addedLists, uint32_t addedCount) {
    if (addedCount == 0) return;

    if (hasArray()) {
        // many lists -> many lists
        uint32_t oldCount = array()->count;
        uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
        array_t *newArray = (array_t *)malloc(array_t::byteSize(newCount));
        newArray->count = newCount;
        array()->count = newCount;
        for (int i = oldCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            newArray->lists[i + addedCount] = array()->lists[i];
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < addedCount; i++)
            newArray->lists[i] = addedLists[i];
    else if (!list  &&  addedCount == 1) {
        // 0 lists -> 1 list
        list = addedLists[0];
    else {
        // 1 list -> many lists
        Ptr<List> oldList = list;
        uint32_t oldCount = oldList ? 1 : 0;
        uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
        setArray((array_t *)malloc(array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
        array()->count = newCount;
        if (oldList) array()->lists[addedCount] = oldList;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < addedCount; i++)
            array()->lists[i] = addedLists[i];

如何给 Category 添加成员变量?


 * Sets an associated value for a given object using a given key and association policy.
 * @param object The source object for the association.
 * @param key The key for the association.
 * @param value The value to associate with the key key for object. Pass nil to clear an existing association.
 * @param policy The policy for the association. For possible values, see “Associative Object Behaviors.”
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
 * @see objc_removeAssociatedObjects
objc_setAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void * _Nonnull key,
                         id _Nullable value, objc_AssociationPolicy policy)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

 * Returns the value associated with a given object for a given key.
 * @param object The source object for the association.
 * @param key The key for the association.
 * @return The value associated with the key \e key for \e object.
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
OBJC_EXPORT id _Nullable
objc_getAssociatedObject(id _Nonnull object, const void * _Nonnull key)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

 * Removes all associations for a given object.
 * @param object An object that maintains associated objects.
 * @note The main purpose of this function is to make it easy to return an object 
 *  to a "pristine state”. You should not use this function for general removal of
 *  associations from objects, since it also removes associations that other clients
 *  may have added to the object. Typically you should use \c objc_setAssociatedObject 
 *  with a nil value to clear an association.
 * @see objc_setAssociatedObject
 * @see objc_getAssociatedObject
objc_removeAssociatedObjects(id _Nonnull object)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.6, 3.1, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);


static void *MyKey = &MyKey;

objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, MyKey, value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
objc_getAssociatedObject(obj, MyKey)
static char MyKey;

objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, &MyKey, value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
objc_getAssociatedObject(obj, &MyKey)
// 使用属性名作为 key
objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, @"property", value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
objc_getAssociatedObject(obj, @"property");
// 使用get方法的 @selector 作为 key
objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, @selector(getter), value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
objc_getAssociatedObject(obj, @selector(getter))


/* Associative References */

 * Policies related to associative references.
 * These are options to objc_setAssociatedObject()
typedef OBJC_ENUM(uintptr_t, objc_AssociationPolicy) {
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN = 0,           /**< Specifies a weak reference to the associated object. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC = 1, /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object. 
                                            *   The association is not made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC = 3,   /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied. 
                                            *   The association is not made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN = 01401,       /**< Specifies a strong reference to the associated object.
                                            *   The association is made atomically. */
    OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY = 01403          /**< Specifies that the associated object is copied.
                                            *   The association is made atomically. */


flowchart LR

subgraph AssociationsManager
    A["AssociationsHashMap &get()"]

subgraph AssociationsHashMap

subgraph ObjectAssociationMap
    D["const void *"]

subgraph ObjcAssociation
    direction LR
    F["uintptr_t _policy"]
    G["id _value"]
